Challenge the Status Quo
Think Differently
Reject Unimaginative Conventions
Design Transformative Experiences
Physical & Virtual Experience Design
Some people travel to see places and others travel to change themselves. And if they’re travelling to change themselves then thinking about a destination would be a distraction and this why we don’t reveal it. This is the Journey with no Destination.
With your client, you explore the change they seek. Then you establish a couple of parameters: dates, duration, no-go countries, maximum flight time and investment level.
Then we select a country that fits their parameters but more importantly whose history, culture, traditions, psyche, values will help our client resolve their particular issue. Next, we study the client’s ‘issue’ and think of how best to work on that before they even leave home.
Your clients find out where they are travelling to on arrival sparing them the unhelpful, travel thought patterns and concerns.
Each day is revealed to them one day at a time and visits, activities, encounters are chosen to contribute tangibly to them resolving the issue they were travelling to resolve.
It’s possible your clients are parents of adolescent kids who start dreading family holidays. They’d rather stay home and play computer games with their friends. The Great Game is the solution to that common problem. The world of computer games and VR is our inspiration. We’ve identified the most captivating, engaging, surprising, educational, social and frankly addictive aspects of computer, video or Virtual Reality gaming then apply real-world equivalents to create an unbelievable travel experience.
We involve the right game designer, then turn a trip into something even more compelling than a computer game. Imagine a 7-day in-country escape room and a cast of thousands… Here, everything your clients do, everyone they meet and every aspect of their trip is part of a life-changing game. In this uncertain realm, where the line between reality and unreality is blurred, your clients discover a place somewhat peripherally and yet intensely. Often, it's not where you travel but how you travel that really changes you.
Imagine you're reaching that special age. You're questioning your achievements and the meaning of life. You've bought yet another hypercar which is, of course, still not enough. Now you look inwards.
You wonder where your younger, more vital adventurous self disappeared to? Maybe you’re having a mid-life crisis or perhaps you just expect more from life. We suspect the old you is still there hiding just beneath the surface waiting to be found and challenged with a Luxpedition.
A Luxpedition is a judicious combination of a hard-core expedition combined with luxury. It allows you to have a demanding, boundary-pushing physical challenge to test your limits, skills and vigour whilst enjoying your chosen specific moments of luxury and comfort that make the whole endeavour feasible.
A sat-phone as you summit the peak , an EC145 in an unexpected clearing to whisk you off for a day of surfing , a decent bed or a dry pair of socks just after you forded that river.
We’ve always believed that everything is possible. Now a Luxpedition makes even the most impossible of expeditions luxuriously possible.
Unbeknown to most people, The Grand Tour - a 16th-century British aristocratic tradition – still influences how you travel today. This educational rite of passage was intended to put knowledge in context through experience of the unfamiliar, allowing those who took it to explore their own potential and bring the world home with them. The Grand Tour 2.0 builds on the original and incorporates your unique curiosities and interests. It touches on all that is influential, inspiring and important to your understanding of the present and future. This thrillingly personal journey into what you consider to be humanity’s most salient issues presents a powerful and playful vision for the future of travel and education. It is the perfect journey for people leaving school or university or anyone wanting to embark on a rigorous and exhilarating exploration of the global technological, political, social and cultural landscape.
Could you visit a city you’ve been to a thousand times before without seeing any of the sites and doing the things you’re supposed to do? We believe it is simply by experiencing the city through the Lives of Others.
All it takes is a change of attitude and approach; you supply the former and we take care of the rest.
The Lives of Others changes the lens: from broad boulevards to winding alleys. From ‘best seat in the house’ to backstage. It’s about forgoing the checklist of what makes a place famous, in favour of the reasons people call it home.
We might begin with a dinner party to allow you to meet and connect with like or differently-minded people. Next, you could find yourself perusing the papers over brunch with them over a café as national elections approach; join a neighbourhood book club; train with the local sports team or meet town planners and activists and hear of their hopes for the streets you tread together.
By involving people who have absolutely no connection to tourism and thoughtfully mapping fortuitous possibilities along your path, we help you embrace the unexpected. The Lives of Others is an open book. It’s about getting lost, digging deeper, following whims and gaining insights you didn’t even know you were looking for.
Have you ever dreamt of devoting an entire trip to exploring one of your passions or esoteric interests? Maybe you found it difficult to prioritize the research or invest the time needed to bring it all together?
Esoterica may be the perfect solution.
Whether your thing is hydroelectric power, Indonesian textiles, the lost pianos of Siberia, Muay-Thai or even Chilean rodeo, we work with our client to research the subject, work out a narrative, find the experts who can bring it to life, and then choreograph their journey deep into their subject.
Esoterica is a non-obvious and peripheral approach to experiencing a place and culture and one whose impact will remain with you for years to come.
Discovering places through your passions or esoteric interests is another original approach to travel.
What if, for whatever reason, you couldn't physically travel?
Could you stay home and yet still reap the benefits of travel? Could someone help you discover your own home, neighbourhood, village, town or city just as you might an entirely new foreign destination? Or could a travel advisor and master choreographer bring a destination to you? Might they devise creative ways to bring the magic of India to Toronto, Brazil to New York or elsewhere to wherever?
By understanding the dynamics and psychology of travel and with huge destination experience, we make all of this possible. First, we bring an understanding of the science of travel. Then, an appreciation of the subtle art of travelling.
With these key ingredients, and the right kind of investment STAY means that even people who think they can't travel, can.
For years we’ve bought tickets, made reservations, and blindly followed guidebooks telling us what we should do without telling us why. No one has taught us how to get the most happiness, the richest memories, the greatest transformation, the deepest relaxation, the best stories from our travel.
META Travel is the answer to this problem – it is travel beyond travel. These are travel experiences that help you better understand yourself as a traveller, that teach you how to get better outcomes from your precious time travelling.
Each trip begins with a strong initial storyline. It might involve a journey of self-discovery, a chance to bond with loved ones, or to create a legacy. Then we populate this with the kinds of people you will want to meet and experiences that will make your journey an opportunity for growth and understanding.
Importantly, each META concept reflects the latest thinking in the art and science of travel, and experience design to provide fulfilment, self-insight, and ultimately happiness from your travels.
The motivations for travel are numerous. Our One Thing concept takes an idea or object that you consider meaningful and makes it the starting point for our research and reverie.
Your one thing is catnip for our creativity and ideation. A family heirloom? The piece of music that you heard the night you first fell in love? Maybe your one thing is a question you've always wanted to answer. Or just oranges, inspired by John McFee's celebrated book on the subject.
Give us your one thing, and we’ll turn it into your own story that takes you on an intellectual, spiritual and physical journey to places you never imagined going. Relinquish the traditional ways of thinking, forget your bucket list of destinations and dive into that one thing and see where it takes you.
Today’s honeymoon with its origins in the 19th century has fallen behind the needs of modern couples and modern times.
Beyond relaxation, decadence, and romance in exotic settings, a modern honeymoon can be a source of shared meaning and discovery. It’s the chance to create new traditions together.
The brilliance of our HONEYMOON.EI concept lies first in our research of our client’s individual and shared stories and values, then in our particular creative process and ideation. Emotional intelligence is a thread that unites everything we dream up, create and plan. We connect aspects of our client’s interests and their vision of life together to facets of their chosen destination.
Whether subtle or spectacular, magical or unexpected, our choreography of ideas, activities, events and discoveries ensures they become unforgettable memories and provide a meaningful and impactful start to married life. At last, clients can go beyond romance and decadence to tell the story not just how they will live together, but how they will grow as they share life together.
The most successful creative travel professionals of the future will be gifted with a talent for creating magic from thin air. This is the principle behind POP, an ephemeral approach to events, happenings, magical, and often fantastical pop-up experiences and journeys.
Our stories often feature unexpected and stunning locations. Overnight in utterly decadent tented encampments or designer structures on glaciers, in deserts or historic sites. Imagine sleeping in luxuriously appointed tree-houses in a forest or jungle and villages and hidden retreats where once there were none.
POP is perfectly suited to family adventures, expeditions, fantasy storytelling, proposals, honeymoons or land escapes from yachts. Working towards our client’s goal, we take a strategic view, apply our expeditionary experience and weave an unexpected story told once never to be repeated.

Welcome to Hyperreality
Imagine a place where your real-world experiences converge with virtual worlds. This is hyperreality.
This is not a futuristic concept. This is where we are today.
Combining our deep experience of the psychology and reality of travel with our research into Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Computer Gaming we lead the way in virtual travel experience design.
Consider a real-world travel experience that continues when you get home as an immersive VR game that you and your family can enjoy for years to come.
Perhaps, for whatever reason, you can’t or you prefer not to travel. Could we design a virtual experience that is every bit as immersive, fun, educational, engaging, stimulating and humanly-connecting as a long-haul journey? Most certainly.
And if you wanted a living and growing virtual library of all your travel experiences that you could return to at any time - would that be possible? Of course.
“Tell us your problem and we’ll use years of insight and every corner of this planet (and near-space) to solve it.”
Philippe Brown, Founder REVISIT